Mines and Minerals

Unearthing Potential, Fueling Development

Nepal’s untapped mineral resources hold significant potential for growth. Sampanna Capital provides strategic insights for investors looking to participate in responsible mining practices that contribute to economic development.

A report published by Investment Board of Nepal mentioned that Nepal has identified 63 minerals to date, and in 2015/16, there were 85 mines and quarries in operation for 15 different minerals. The government has opened up the mining sector to foreign direct investment, allowing domestic and foreign investors to explore and exploit various minerals. There are currently over 250 private investors with prospecting and mining licenses. Base metals, diamonds, mineral sands, and gold have attracted the most interest from investors, particularly from India, China, the USA, Canada, Australia, the UK, and South Africa. Recent updates include the discovery of a large deposit of uranium in Upper Mustang and the seepage of minerals in the western part of Nepal.

The GoN has granted Dangote Cement from Nigeria, Hongshi and Huaxin from China and Reliance
Cement from India approvals to invest in Nepal. Combined, their FDI amounts to US$1.45 bn and
their proposed output stands at 22,000t/day.

This approach helps companies make sure that their investments in operational transformation deliver measurable and sustained returns—through clear priority setting, performance optimization, and the smart deployment of new technologies.

The LESS framework applies proven principles to risky-but-rewarding megaprojects; for example, using lean practices to tighten scope and remove unnecessary specifications.

We assist companies to acquire operating licenses, ease in FDI approval process, documentation, and compliances.

This suite helps clients develop tailored scenarios for long-term price forecasts for all major commodities, using analysis of macroeconomic trends, GDP scenarios, demographic shifts, and early-warning indicators.

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This approach helps companies make sure that their investments in operational transformation deliver measurable and sustained returns—through clear priority setting, performance optimization, and the smart deployment of new technologies.

The LESS framework applies proven principles to risky-but-rewarding megaprojects; for example, using lean practices to tighten scope and remove unnecessary specifications.

We assist companies to acquire operating licenses, ease in FDI approval process, documentation, and compliances.

This suite helps clients develop tailored scenarios for long-term price forecasts for all major commodities, using analysis of macroeconomic trends, GDP scenarios, demographic shifts, and early-warning indicators.

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